
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Gotta Have Sole® Club?

The Gotta Have Sole® Club creates a space where students can increase their understanding of homelessness across America and break down the stigma of homelessness, while giving equal opportunities to homeless children by providing them with the new footwear they need to succeed. The club pairs students with a homeless shelter in their community so they can experience the joy of giving the children their new footwear.

What will I do in a Gotta Have Sole® club?

Gotta Have Sole® Clubs partner with a local homeless shelter and visit the shelters twice a year. For these visits, your club will also hold a fundraiser so that you can donate new footwear to children at this local shelter. By participating in these activities you’ll learn about homelessness in America, and educate your school community about how they can help to solve this issue.

The club also leads after school activities for children directly at the shelter to give them social and athletic opportunities they otherwise might not have.

How will participating in a Gotta Have Sole® Club help me?

By participating in the Gotta Have Sole® Club you will:

  • Develop leadership skills
  • Build communication skills
  • Gain community service experience
  • Educate your peers about homelessness in your community
  • Have the opportunity to work directly with children in your local shelters
  • Work to break down barriers between homeless and non-homeless youth
  • Create a community that is more compassionate and inclusive
  • Work to support families around the country with kids who can’t go to school because they don’t have the right shoes

And you’ll even be eligible for our Club Scholarship Program, with the opportunity to win a $500 college scholarship.

How do you select club scholarship recipients?

Each year we award 2 $500 scholarships to the most active, creative, inspiring club leaders in the network. At the end of the school year, club leaders submit a short application for the scholarship that describes the work their club did over the year.

We select scholarship recipients based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Ability to turn passion into action
  • Club Sustainability

Visit our Club Scholarship page to learn more about the program.

How often should our club meet?

Once a month is necessary, but your club can meet as often as you’d like. You may have to schedule more frequent meetings surrounding an upcoming event to make sure all tasks are accomplished.

How many people do I need to start a club?

Ideally 5-10 people. A small number of dedicated people can accomplish a lot!

How many events should we host every year?                                  

You should hold at least 2 fundraisers per year, a sneaker drive and another to raise dollars to buy any materials you will need.

You can refer to Club Member Portal for tips and ideas for fundraising.

I’m a principal/teacher – how can I bring Gotta Have Sole® to my school?

We are thrilled when principals/teachers are interested in bringing Gotta Have Sole Clubs to their schools!

The first step in bringing a GHS club to your school is to approach a few dedicated students to tell them about Gotta Have Sole® and suggest that they lead a club. They will be able to rally other students to join the cause. The second step is to find a teacher who will serve as their advisor, overseeing all club activity.


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